Monday, September 18, 2006

Good Charlotte - Chronicles Of Life And Death

Good Charlotte - Chronicles Of Life And Death

You come in cold
You're covered in blood
They're all so happy you've arrived
The doctor cuts your cord
He hands you to your mom
She sets you free into this life
And where do you go?
With no destination, no map to guide you
Wouldn’t you know
That it doesn’t matter, we all end up the same

These are the chronicles of life and death
And everything between
These are the stories of our lives as fictional as they may seem
You come in this world
And you go out just the same
Today could be the best day of your life

And money talks, in this world, that's what idiots will say
But you'll find out, that this world
Is just an idiot's parade
Before you go
You've got some questions, and you want answers
But now you're old, cold, covered in blood
Right back to where you started from

These are the chronicles of life and death
And everything between
These are the stories of our lives as fictional as they may seem
You come in this world
And you go out just the same
Today could be the worst day of your life

But these are the chronicles of life and death
And everything between
These are the stories of our lives as fictional as they may seem
You come in this world
And you go out just the same
Today could be the best day of
Today could be the worst day of
Today could be the last day of
Your life
It’s your life
Your life


Anonymous said...

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梁爵 said...

2020.06.08曾經酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容雞排妹的《深夜保健室》最新一集與培根到酒店訪問我在酒店上班的日子的酒店小姐跟不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,影片中介紹如:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化,酒店消費服務方式,還有小姐帶出場接S(性交易)等大家好奇的問題,其中酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金小姐的薪水也是一般人想知道的問題,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?透露,最菜最基本的酒店妹,一個月至少也可以賺10到20萬元,也曾有「職場須知 【酒店PT 】魔王級人物」一周就能賺40萬元,相當於月薪200萬,雞排妹問到酒店妹外貌與薪水成正比?酒店經紀表示並不是,通常看小姐自己的手腕,包括: 顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易。突破高薪資的境界。至於常傳聞演藝圈知名網紅跨國賣淫,會轉行到酒店兼職,酒店經紀透露曾遇過10名通告女星「拍過廣告、拍過電影」找上門希望願意配合國外伴遊接受消費者陪睡性交易:顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易,不過他表示雖然她為公眾人物,但在這行沒有差別待遇,起薪與一般小姐無異,不過影片中沒透露該女星身分,讓網友相當好奇。

梁爵 said...


酒店經紀(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️ 分析想酒店工作賺錢的族群





